The University of Fredericton (UFred) International
弗雷德里克顿大学 (UFred) 是一所全在线学位授予机构,提供证书、文凭和学位课程。UFred 成立于新不伦瑞克省弗雷德里克顿,以其提供创新、相关的在线教育而自豪,该教育强调领导力发展和终身学习。
UFred 提供独特的、完全在线的学习体验,支持其成员的学术和职业目标。通过平易近人、友好的支持和服务,UFred 致力于创造学生的成功。
他们的愿景是通过易于理解的应用专业教育,帮助全球学习者实现他们的目标。 他们的使命是为全球专业人士提供一条完全兼容、以个人为中心的终身学习之路,以提高个人绩效。 UFred 的价值观包括正直、热情、相互信任、学习、相互尊重和能力。
UFred 的在线学生可以获得与校内课程相同的高质量教育、交流机会和协作;学生可以与教授和同学持续互动。学生可以完全在线提问、参与讨论并协作学习材料。
UFred 历史
弗雷德里克顿大学是一所私立院校,于 2005 年在新不伦瑞克省弗雷德里克顿成立。在全在线教育是未来趋势的前提下,他们开辟了一条创新的优质学习之路,并继续在国际上扩张
在 UFred 学习的好处
灵活性:作为一个为职业人士开发的项目,UFred 确保学生能够平衡学习与职业以及其他个人和专业承诺。 UFred 能够随时暂停学习,确保学生可以根据需要在课程中休息。
特意在线提供:UFred 的课程特意在线提供。这使得全球学生无需暂停职业生涯或出差即可参与大学的课程。
负担能力:UFred 为学生提供负担得起的课程,同时保持高质量的教育而感到自豪。通过选择一次支付一门课程的费用,学生可以获得财务上的灵活性。
UFred 的课程帮助学生做好职业生涯下一步的准备,无论他们身在何处。 UFred 的商业课程可以轻松应用于各个行业,甚至在学生完成课程之前就已发现其适用。
- High School Diploma or Equivalent
- 四门大学预科课程,包括 12 年级英语、12 年级数学和另外两门 12 年级大学预科课程
- Minimum overall average of at least 65% in the university preparatory classes
- High School Diploma or Equivalent
- Older than 21 years of age and have been away from an educational program for a minimum of three years
The University of Fredericton ranked among the Best Online Universities, recognized in three additional ranked categories by Course Compare
The University of Fredericton is proud to announce that we have been recognized by Course Compare in four academic ranking categories for 2023. Each year, Course Compare publishes its rankings for schools and programs with lists varying from the best online universities to the best online MBA.
- Best Online MBA
- Best Executive MBA
- Best Online Universities
- Best Business Schools
Course Compare generates their rankings using specified parameters, aiming to “help you prepare for the future of work".
Government of New Brunswick
As a university within the province of New Brunswick, it is important to share with students and potential students that UFred has been accredited by the province of New Brunswick since 2007 under Section 3 of the Degree Granting Act.
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
弗雷德里克顿大学桑德莫恩商学院课程已获得商学院和课程认证委员会 (ACBSP) 的认证。ACBSP 拥有 30 多年的经验,致力于在全球范围内促进商业课程的学术卓越性。该认证采用博尔德里奇绩效卓越教育标准来确定,该标准确保商业课程提供严格的教育体验并展示持续的质量改进。
The University of Fredericton and the Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CMC-Canada) have an academic partnership. This partnership offers students a number of benefits including credit toward the CMC designation, free annual academic partner student memberships with CMC-Canada, student rates when attending professional development events, and more.
Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE)
The University of Fredericton partnered with the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering to develop the Health and Safety Leadership specialty stream offered to students in the MBA and Executive MBA programs.