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Redeemer University

救世主大学是一所基督教文理大学,提供 40 多个课程和专业,授予学士学位和证书。救世主大学位于安大略省汉密尔顿,40 多年来一直致力于培养毕业班学生——下一代基督教领袖。



早在 20 世纪 50 年代中期,安大略省就曾尝试创办一所具有改革宗观点的大学机构。然而,直到 1975 年初,可行性研究委员会才进行了详细调查。调查的结果是成立了安大略省基督教学院协会,该协会于 1976 年 11 月 13 日正式成立。




  • 思想焕然一新
  • 生活发生改变
  • 世界得到救赎




Redeemer位于安大略省汉密尔顿市安卡斯特,占地 86 英亩,环境优美。 Redeemer的主要设施建于 1985 年,包括一座综合学术大楼;一座混合用途的生活和学习中心,内设创新中心、创客空间和休息区;43 套联排别墅式住宅;20 套公寓式单元;一座三层楼的宿舍楼;以及一个学生娱乐中心。校园内设有供学生和校外团体使用的体育和娱乐设施。2011 年, Redeemer与安卡斯特足球俱乐部和汉密尔顿市合作,开设了一个圆顶体育设施。

    Traveling from abroad to study at a Christian university in Canada is a huge transition and can sometimes seem daunting. It’s our goal to help make your transition as seamless as possible. We realize coming from another country requires a specialized approach during the application process, so we will provide you with information about admission, cost, and the student visa process. This information will aid you in that process and clear any obstacles you might encounter. We look forward to working with you.

    Application Process

    Apply online!

    开始并在线提交您的申请!申请费为 150 加元。

    Please note: In most cases, international applicants will only be considered for fall-term admission. To be considered for winter term admission, you may appeal this requirement with your admissions counselor.

    Send in your transcripts

    Request and submit up-to-date and official transcripts from your high school(s). Transcripts need to come to us directly from the guidance office (whether it be a hard copy by mail or a photocopy by email). Transcripts must be presented in English, either translated directly by the school, through a notary, or through WES translation services. To be eligible for transfer credit, international transcripts (outside Canada/USA) must be sent through a WES course-by-course evaluation.

    Submit additional required documents

    See “Admission Requirements.

    Admission Requirements

    Applicants from countries other than Canada and the United States will be considered for admission based on the following requirements:

    High school diploma (or equivalent); a minimum average of 65% (please note that this average is the equivalency to the Ontario curriculum and determined by our Registrar’s office).

    • Alongside your transcript, we may also require any secondary school certification/examination results (e.g. CAPRE, WAEC, WASSCE, CXC, HKDSE, etc.). Notarized transcripts may be used in some cases.

    Required documents, where applicable

    • From an International Baccalaureate (IB) School: minimum total score of 28 points in at least 6 subject areas.
    • From a school in the British system: General Certificate of Education (GCE) of good standing in 5 subject areas, 2 of which must be at the A-level

    English language requirements

    Applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English, have several options to demonstrate their proficiency:

    • TOEFL test score of 86 (iBT)
    • Academic IELTS test score of 6.5
    • CAEL test score of 70
    • PTE/PTE Online test score of 56


    • Attended a secondary school (academic studies) in an English-speaking country full-time for at least three years.
    • Attended an accredited English medium university in full-time academic studies for at least one year.
    • Resided in an English-speaking country for at least four years immediately before applying to Redeemer.


    在Redeemer ,我们明白负担能力是您在大学决策过程中的关键部分。我们非常支持的捐赠者也知道这一点。感谢他们的慷慨捐赠,我们可以提供各种奖学金和助学金,帮助您更轻松地接受Redeemer教育。


    • Academic Achievement Scholarship
    • 学术部门奖学金
    • 阿德里安娜·德沃尔夫·范韦尔登商业奖学金
    • 校友领导奖
    • 校友领导力奖学金
    • 安·伯格肖夫纪念奖
    • Arnold A. Beale – 三重 AAA 奖学金
    • Au Sable 创作管理奖学金
    • 蓝色牛仔奖学金
    • 蓝天奖学金



    Redeemer根据安大略省政府的特许状运作,并且是加拿大大学协会和基督教学院与大学理事会 (CSU) 的成员。





    Your Home Away From Home

    Residence Life





    在Redeemer ,这不仅仅是一个游戏。这是一个社区。这是一个整体发展。这一切都是为了一个垂直目标。



    在Redeemer ,我们相信,拥有归属感、适应新环境以及找到为社区做出贡献的方式是取得学业成功的重要步骤。我们的迎新计划通过各种活动来实现这些目标,这些活动可以帮助您结识Redeemer教职员工以及同学。LAUNCH 还向您介绍了校园生活的几个方面,包括宿舍、通勤服务、国际学生支持等等。

    • Hamilton

      777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4, Hamilton

    • Hamilton

      777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4, Hamilton

    Redeemer University