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California Institute of Applied Technology

加州艺术&技术学院是一所屡获​​殊荣的技术学院,专门帮助学生在竞争激烈的 IT 领域开启和发展他们的职业生涯。我们是一所 100% 在线的学院,我们以个性化的学生体验为荣,为您在 IT 领域的第一份工作做好准备。我们提供小班授课,提供实践学习、一对一辅导、行业认证研讨会、个性化职业指导、简历构建等。此外,我们所有的课程都是可叠加的,因此您可以在此过程中获得里程碑和行业认证,以建立您的简历并开启您的职业生涯。

在 CIAT,您可以在舒适的家中获得网络安全、IT 管理、网络、软件开发或数据分析方面的完全认可学位。



  • 我们对教育和学生的成功充满热情。
  • 我们重视员工和学生的诚信和卓越。
  • 我们以尊严和尊重对待自己和我们的学生。
  • 我们相信并鼓励学校创新,以更好地帮助我们的学生取得成功。
  • 我们以学生为中心,我们希望人们高度致力于实现目标,我们的成功等于学生的成功。
  • 我们对自己的行为负责,如果出现错误,我们会集中精力防止将来再犯错误,并继续前进。
  • 我们具有成长心态,始终寻找改进的方法,真诚地相信每个学生都能做得更好并实现他们的目标。
  • 我们期望每一位员工都成为行为和专业精神的典范,成为学生和同事的榜样。


有工作,但想要事业?CIAT 正在开创一种新的教育方式,超越传统的四年制或社区大学体验。CIAT 毕业生完成课程后将获得一系列创新经验,并具备独特的优势来竞争热门的技术工作。无论您是刚刚起步、正在改变职业还是回归平民生活,CIAT 都将为您取得成功做好准备。

实践培训 小班授课 在线直播课程 个性化职业服务 完全认可的技术学院

学位 + 证书 = 两全其美

同时解决您的短期和长期目标。在攻读学位的同时,培养您的技术技能、获得认证并快速开启您的新职业生涯。我们广泛的 IT 课程涵盖 24 项行业认证,可向雇主证明他们的技能超越课堂,并为职业发展打开机会。


准备好开始 CIAT 之旅了吗?现在就是最佳时机。在California Institute of Applied Technology ,我们让录取过程变得像 1、2、3 一样简单。只需按照以下步骤即可开始获得 IT、软件开发、平面设计或网页设计学位或证书。我们非常感谢您对我们课程的兴趣,我们迫不及待地想见到您。

  1. Book An Appointment
    We learn about you and determine what program would be the best fit.
  2. Apply Online
    We’ve streamlined our online application process so you can apply easily.
  3. Receive Financial Aid Support
    Speak with a Financial Aid advisor to explore financial aid options and apply.
  4. Submit Admissions Documentation
    Submit a copy of your high school diploma and required documentation to the Admissions Office.
  5. Enroll!
    Congratulations! We’re looking forward to sharing this journey with you.

Admissions Documentation

Supplemental Materials

Once you’ve completed your application, be sure to submit a copy of your high school diploma or equivalent documentation to our Office of Admissions. Additional documentation can include your GED, DD-214, and college transcripts.

Scholastic Level Exam

If you’ve earned less than six college-level semester credit hours, you’ll need to complete a Scholastic Level Exam (SLE). We’ll provide you with a link to the exam via email once you submit your application.

Proof of Identity

We need you to submit a government-issued proof of identity showing a photo and your age (e.g., a driver’s license, or passport with picture) to our Office of Admissions once you’ve completed your application.

Planning ahead and applying for financial aid can be a daunting task. CIAT is here to help. We offer assistance in applying for scholarships, federal aid, private loans, and monthly payment plans to help you build an affordable and manageable education plan.

Financial Aid

Our Financial Aid Office is committed to providing assistance to qualified students who would otherwise be unable to pursue the attainment of their educational and professional goals. To begin your application process, first complete the government’s FAFSA form at fafsa.gov. Our school code is 042598. You’ll need this and financial documents, like tax returns and pay stubs, to complete the application. You must re-apply for FAFSA for every year.

Cal Grant

Cal Grants are for students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree or vocational or career training and do not have to be repaid. Cal Grant applicants must apply using the FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application by the deadline and meet all eligibility, financial, and minimum GPA requirements of either program. Grants are for students attending Universities of California, California State Universities California Community Colleges, or qualifying independent and career colleges or technical schools in California.

Military Benefits

After their service, many veterans choose to move into the field of IT. The GI Bill® can be used not only for an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree in information technology but it can also be used for many of the invaluable certifications required. In fact, due to DoD 8570.01, a Department of Defense directive requiring information assurance personnel to be certified, IT certification can be mandatory for most DoD-related positions.


In addition to CIAT-offered scholarships, you will have access to a database where you can research different outside scholarships that have been made known to CIAT through other students, organizations, and businesses. You are free to apply to as many of these scholarships as you’d like. Just make sure you report any outside scholarships you receive to the Student Financial Services Office so we can apply them to your package.

Private Loans

When scholarships and federal financial aid aren’t enough, private loans help you cover any remaining personal investment balances. CIAT offers Sallie Mae to support the needs of students with a wide range of credit backgrounds and financial histories.

Joel G., Verified Yelp Review

“我在这所学校的经历很棒。就 IT 工作而言,这是最好的学校之一。他们所有的教授都是世界级的专业教师。他们都拥有硕士学位。教授们都是各自课程教学领域的学科专家。就读这所学校是值得的,它将把你培养成未来的网络安全专业人士、网络工程师、计算机程序员甚至计算机研究科学家。”

Rob L, Verified Google Review

“CIAT 让我受益匪浅。我在这里学到的知识将帮助我为自己和家人创造更美好的未来。”

Brennan R, Verified Google Review

“我以弹性在线学生的身份报名参加 CIAT,学习 IT 基础知识,教授和教职员工对我的关心和照顾让我感到惊喜。我通过了第一次认证考试,我期待在 IT 领域进一步发展我的职业生涯!”

Anthony O, Verified Google Review


Nicholi Z, Verified Yelp Review


Accrediting Council For Continuing Education & Training

CIAT has proudly earned accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET). We’ve earned this validation through an evaluation of our overall mission, the quality of education we provide and the reputation of our faculty. Through our accreditation, you can trust us when working to earn a quality and recognized degree. ACCET is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency.

Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education

California Institute of Applied Technology已获美国教育部批准提供联邦学生资助。我们将逐步指导您在线提交联邦学生资助免费申请表 (FAFSA),以申请联邦学生资助补助金和贷款,并为您匹配符合条件的项目。授予的经济援助总额将取决于您的收入和需求。

Department of Education

California Institute of Applied Technology已获美国教育部批准提供联邦学生资助。我们将逐步指导您在线提交联邦学生资助免费申请表 (FAFSA),以申请联邦学生资助补助金和贷款,并为您匹配符合条件的项目。授予的经济援助总额将取决于您的收入和需求。

U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs

California Institute of Applied Technology获准向符合条件的学生提供退伍军人福利,包括《9/11 后退伍军人权利法案》和黄丝带计划。作为一所军人友好型学院,加州艺术与技术学院拥有专门的工作人员,帮助我们的军人学生了解每个人符合条件的学费福利。我们与退伍军人事务部的辅导员密切合作,确保我们的学生完成我们的学位和证书课程。

General Services Administration

California Institute of Applied Technology是经 GSA 批准的供应商,通过精选合同提供培训和教育计划。作为一所军事友好型学院,我们了解保持特定 IT 认证对于维持您的政府安全许可的重要性。我们为现役军人和退伍军人提供九种不同的计划,以及认证和实践培训相结合的课程,使您能够将您的教育提升到一个新的水平。

California Department of Rehabilitation

走进我们学校大门的每位学生都需要我们以某种方式提供帮助 - 无论是选择正确的课程、管理他们的财务投资还是克服就业障碍。我们相信每个学生都应该有平等的机会在他们的教育之旅中取得成功,这就是为什么California Institute of Applied Technology与加州康复部密切合作,为残障学生提供最佳住宿。

通过 Duolingo English Test 证明您的英语水平!DET 是一种方便、快速且价格合理的在线英语测试,已被全球 4,000 多所大学(如本所)接受。

  • National City

    Mile of Cars Way, 401 Suite 100, 91950, National City

California Institute of Applied Technology